The Hope Warrior movement began when PACT took over the community centre in Prince Albert’s North End and launched a Covid-19 feeding scheme program in 2020/21. This program was run by 50 youth volunteers who modelled outstanding leadership- serving the most vulnerable in their community with dignity and respect. These youth volunteers went on to become part of the core PACT team, tasked with specific roles in the running of the Centre and receiving training and skills development.

All PACT team members go through a training and skills development program as well as an induction into the history, vision, mission and values of the organization. These young volunteers initially complete a 3-6 month “All Hands on Deck” internship at the center before becoming a Hope Warrior. It is through this process that their specific interests and skills are identified and developed. Those who qualify to become Hope Warriors display an enthusiasm for going the extra mile for their community, believe in teamwork and integrity, are community focused and have a positive attitude towards life. These are the characteristics PACT believes will serve them well as they continue their journey after their time at the Centre. Once a Hope Warrior always a Hope Warrior!

Community Champions who serve the organization as volunteers and ambassadors of the PACT vision are included in the team as honoree Hope Warriors. The PACT Hope Warriors are expected to display exemplary behavior within the community both in their private time as well as in the public arena, and are to refrain from any actions that will harm or bring dishonor to the Hope Warrior brand and the vision of PACT.


Buy a Hope Warriors t-shirt or cap via SnapScan


A series of podcasts focusing on self-mastery with Hope Warrior Enzo Williams. Released quarterly.


The Great Little Book of Prince Albert’s Hope Warriors

PACT ambassador Steffie Rohrbach interviewed more than 20 of the 50 original Hope Warriors who were involved with the Covid-19 feeding scheme of 2020 and 2021. These stories have been captured in their voices and transcribed into a book. This is the story of each young person who led the scheme daily, serving more than 100 000 meals during the pandemic – each an inspiration for the local community.

The books are R250 each, of which R50 goes to PACT, plus courier/postage. Email Steffi on info@peppertreechronicles.com to purchase.