My name is Anolisha Paulsen, better known as Lappe. I am definitely not the same person as I was a year ago! I have a totally new way of looking at life. I have become emotionally strong and confident to take on any challenge: sometimes it takes surrounding yourself with the right people that inspire you to do the things you never imagined. I have learnt that life can grow and change – my desire is to create a space where all the mini Hope Warriors flourish and become the best version of themselves.

I remember the first time I visited the PACT center. Sho, I had no confidence and little self-belief – I never realised that I was capable of much more and because of this, I was missing out. I was always scared of what people would say and I was scared of making mistakes. I have changed. I realize now that you can choose how you deal with a mistake – it’s what you make of it. There is no use sitting in a hoekie and saying I will never do this again – rather say it aloud and learn from it and do better next time!

I have chosen the route of try and try again – and look at me now: I feel I’m in control of my life and able to speak in front of people, which was one of my biggest fears. So what is the reason for my change? “PACT EN SY MENSE”. I never thought I could have a say and shape the workplace I found myself in. Here I can teach people and change lives. Even though I am an Early Childhood Development teacher, I would never have been able to do what I do today in another workplace. The opportunities I’m getting now are way more than just the classroom and standing in front of the class teaching ABC – I can shape and impact what is taught and how it is taught. Part of this teaching is that life does not end in Prince Albert and don’t use your circumstances as an excuse. Also I teach children not to compare themselves but rather to be the best version of themselves, to respect others, and never to be scared to speak: to have a voice is important for us at PACT.

I remember my biggest dream was to go overseas and work but now it’s about changing a child’s life for the better!

“Ek weet ek gaan nie almal kan red nie, maar as ek ten minste een kind s’n kan verander is dit meer as genoeg.”