“Since I began to work at PACT I have become another person. I was the type of person who never bothered with other people or children. I couldn’t do sport and so I had no idea how to work with children. However, at the centre I have been taught to do various types of sport and to how to communicate with kids.
Being here has made me want to work with and motivate youth. I have received computer training, a new skill for me and I feel way more able to do my job which is Admin Assistance.
To be honest, I had no idea what admin was, I had just heard the name – I thought it was
a person! Now I know it has all to do with management, and complying to government rules and regulations. Slowly but surely I am learning how to do this thing called admin.
PACT plays a big role in my life. For the first time in my life I was part of the #us4us and I am so proud to have played a part in its success. I’ve also learnt a lot of new social skills. For instance, how to receive people at the centre and make them feel welcome. My general standard of living and my morale has received a boost. The early morning team meetings are good for me. It’s where I get my motivation and sometimes an opportunity to speak too.
My advice to the youth of today? Don’t get tired, especially in the dark days. I used to underestimate myself because I always thought – who would ever employ me as I am physically challenged? I won’t be capable of doing a job but PACT believed in me and gave me this opportunity and guess what? I am going to try and get my motorbike learners license so that I can drive the Piaggio!
“Today I am in control of my own future and nobody can ever change or take that away from me. “Ek move!”
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