“Ek is ‘n ander mens! Ek was vasgevang in my eie wereld, waar gemak my grootste vriend was. Ek was tevrede met myself en waar ek was – vandag kyk ek met ander oe na die lewe en my gemeenskap. Ek weet nou dat ek ‘n baie groter rol speel as net die sentrum skoon en netjies te hou, ek is besig om lewens te verander terwyl my lewe daardeur verryk word. “
I could not speak to other people. I could not work in big groups of people either. I was introverted and lived in my own shadow. Today I am blossoming full of confidence and of course, there is room for improvement. The courses we did to grow our emotional intelligence like the Staying Strong course helped me a lot to overcome my social and emotional challenges. I learnt what it means to have perseverance in the workplace and in my own personal life.
I was a broken person when I joined the trust.
I hid all my emotions and never shared anything. Through the workshops and support from my colleagues I could heal. Today I am an ear for those who need support be it a child, a colleague or a visitor that just wants to unload a bit. I am way more approachable.
Another program that helped me a lot was working with Rigby Hough. It was about conflict in the workplace and how to build stronger relationships with the children that we are working with. Something I learnt was how to deal with my emotions towards colleagues and children in a good and honest way without being destructive – and how to find solutions for the problem. I used to have a short temper but I am so much better at controlling it and I experience so much more joy in the workplace.
“Ek is ‘n ander mens! My wereld is groter, ek is meer as tevrede met wie ek is, en wat ek het, en ek is die verandering wat ek baie graag wil sien”!
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